
4 effective ways storytelling can improve conversion rates

4 effective ways storytelling can improve conversion rates
Story of AMS
Story of AMS
4 min read

Storytelling is the age-old brand jackpot of an eCommerce marketing strategy, yet only few online businesses are able to utilize the benefits storytelling offers. It’s one of the most effective ways to connect with your customers and humanize your brand. When implemented right, any webshop can stand out online by cutting through the barrier of a computer screen.

Effective storytelling is not just about building a narrative around your eCommerce business, it’s about creating a higher level of authenticity, credibility and customer loyalty through the words displayed on their devices. These characteristics all help to attract new customers and drive your conversions.

When crafting these valuable stories for and about your eCommerce brand, there are some crucial aspects to keep in mind. Keep on reading to learn about four critical ways to make sure your next story is enchanting and conversion-optimized.

1. Focus on your customer’s emotional experiences

When mentioning customer experiences, we often think about the superficial ways the company treats a customer. Services like delivery times or how fast your website loads are usually the topics our minds jump to. But what about their emotional experience when buying from your brand and using your products?

According to a study by the Harris Group, more than 78% of millennials would choose to spend money on a desirable experience or event rather than buying something desirable.

Good storytelling does not just tell people how great their products and services are, they show them by demonstrating a deep understanding of the consumer’s problems and how their products can solve them. By bringing a visionary image to life around purchasing your product, you can trigger your customer’s emotional ties, linking your products to optimizing their lives. Your audience will be more likely to buy in on those positive emotions, rather than materialistic satisfaction. It’s an opportunity for you to focus on using emotional language and visualization, causing your brand to resonate with their customer’s on a personal level. This helps build trust and emotional connections, increasing your brand loyalty and conversion rates significantly.

2. Be transparent

A study by Label Insight revealed that up to 94% of consumers are more likely to show loyalty to a brand that promotes honesty. Let alone the 73% that would be willing to pay more for a product that offers complete transparency. No matter how competitive your market may be, there’s always at least one thing your brand is doing differently from your competitors. Learn to identify those qualities and highlight them by being more transparent through storytelling.

For example, when posting about your manufacturing process, clarifying product costs or revealing how you overcame your company's setbacks, you’re opening up to your audience which results in earning more trust and a stronger connection between you and your customers. So, consider sharing some of your company’s hidden qualities. Brands who still hold their cards close to their chest are living in the past. Being honest towards your audience is a remarkably valued act of authenticity, and promotes increased respect and brand value, resulting in higher conversion rates.

3. Focus on variation

In order to keep customers engaged, you’ll have to vary your storytelling approach. When simply rewording the same story over and over, you’ll bore your audience and reduce your brand’s credibility. Keep in mind, your content will only be effective when there is an outcome for the reader, so it must be relevant, interesting or entertaining without any shortcomings.

Next time you are checking out your content calendar, look at each piece through the eyes of your audience. Does it provide any genuine benefits for them? Is it too repetitive? Will it add to your relevancy? Consumers are very aware of brands being interested in selling them their products, and those brands are easily ignored. Companies that offer real value in exchange for a moment of their attention, provide a reason to come back. Meaning, relevancy should be your primary goal within every story you tell.

When providing a relevant online presence, you’ll be up on the charts and expanding your audience continuously. This will create a wider variety of customer reach, assisting your brand to claim a well known name within the industry, and ofcourse, increase your conversion rate.

4. Utilize customer reviews

While online shopping, consumers heavily rely on their fellow customer’s feedback and reviews. When not being able to test, touch or see the product in real life, you’ll often want someone else to reassure the quality of your potential purchase. Today, 88% of consumers trust an online review as much as a personal recommendation from a friend or family member.

Getting your existing customers to share their positive experience with your audience is going to help develop trust and accountability towards your brand. There are different ways to implement user-generated content on your website. Think of strategies like:

  • Turning customer reviews into customer stories

  • Instead of adding an extensive product description, display product stories on all of your product pages

  • Make use of influencer marketing by turning influencers into your customers.

  • Make ad campaigns out of your customer’s reviews and experiences.

Taking advantage of user-generated content is a complementary tool for your business to optimize it’s authenticity. Think of all the abandoned carts caused by doubt. When reassuring your audience and eliminating the doubt from a potential customer’s mind, you’ll be able to significantly improve your conversion rate.


Storytelling has become the marketer’s weapon of choice. And while it’s a very effective marketing tool, in reality, it’s more than that. It’s the underlying basis of all communication your brand shares with the world.

The main goal of every brand and eCommerce business may be to drive sales and revenue, yet it’s not what you should focus on when communicating with your audience. Instead, focus on building a stronger relationship with your customers. Your brand will not only rise in conversions, it will also gain a name of honesty, improve brand loyalty and provide enchanting and creative content. All being important factors to improving your conversion rates.

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